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Words to Describe Myself

I know this isn't a job interview (thank goodness!) but sometimes I catch myself thinking about what kind of person I am and what words people might use to describe me. You know, like when a coworker is trying to explain to the new person what I am like, when a family member is mentioning something about me to a friend, or when I picture people reflecting on my life stories at my funeral (too dark?). I know everyone is perceived in different ways by different people, so sometimes it is just interesting to wonder how others might see me. Obviously, I can't read anyone's mind so I usually end up turning my thoughts to how I see myself (that's what's important anyway, right?). Below are five words I would use to describe myself.


If I want something, I make sure I do whatever is in my power to accomplish it. For example, when I decided I wanted to further my education and have a career in the field of psychology, I made sure I had a way to get there. At first, I wanted to be a psychiatrist. It comes with great pay and I would feel accomplished knowing I had a doctorate's degree. When I began to realize that becoming a psychiatrist was not a realistic goal as it was a lot of schooling and I was about to have a baby, I changed my plan to becoming a school psychologist. I was excited with this new path because it came with the relief that it would be less schooling and I would be helping children in school. Then... I discovered that the college near me did not offer that program and there were no online options available. I had just had a baby so attending in-person classes and driving an hour away in addition to working full-time was not realistic. Then, I decided to go into clinical mental health counseling. I applied to the school I wanted to attend but then I did not get accepted. I applied to another school and got accepted. Now, I am working towards my goal of attending graduate school and pursuing a career in the field of psychology.

Another example would be that I wanted my son, "A," to be able to attend preschool when he turned three. A is a very social young man and has always been ahead developmentally so I knew he would love preschool and likely benefit from attending. The problem was that A's third birthday was less than two weeks before the first day of preschool and A's doctor had said it was best to start potty training boys when they turned three. That would mean A would have to miss a full year of preschool! And it would be not because he was not developmentally ready to learn the curriculum, but because he wouldn't know how to use the toilet by himself! I knew A could learn how to use the bathroom before he was three if we really worked with him. I also did not want him to feel any pressure or like he was being rushed to do something he was not ready for. So, my husband, "C," and I started gradually potty training him when he was two years and five months old. Over the period of of seven months, we gradually rewarded him for sitting on the toilet, using the toilet, using the toilet in public places, using the toilet without help, etc. It was a long process but we finally got him fully potty trained just barely before preschool started! It took a lot of patience but I knew it could be done and it was well worth the effort.


I have come to realize that stressful situations are much easier to handle when I adapt to the changes. Perfectionism is something I have always struggled with and it would absolutely destroy my mental state if anything did not go as planned. After much effort, I have learned to just go with the flow. If something is not what I had expected, I find a way to make it work. This has been especially true for me as money has been tighter lately. For example, A had a field trip where we were supposed to bring a lunch to eat with the other families at the park after visiting the fire station. Ideally, I would have loved to come up with the cutest looking lunch and let A pick out all the yummiest snacks at the store to make a fun day even better. Realistically, we only have enough money for the absolute basics and nothing extra. Instead, I ended up looking through the refrigerator and pantry to see what we already had to put a lunch together. The lunch ended up consisting of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, garlic almonds, crackers, and some chocolate chips and a marshmallow for dessert. And guess what? A loved it just the same and was begging to go play on the playground with his friends halfway through his lunch, just as he probably would have done if he had any other kind of lunch. I saved myself from unnecessary spending by working with what I already had.


My family is everything to me and I would do absolutely anything for them. C was my high school sweetheart and is everything I've ever wanted. When he told me he didn't want to have a job while he focused on school, I decided to support him in his decision. I won't say I haven't complained about the decrease of income or the frustration I've experienced at times because I definitely have let it be known. However, I really have enjoyed having C around more and seeing how happy he has been to develop his skills. Overall, I really am glad that I chose to trust him in deciding what was best for him.

A is a big ball of personality and he has really put a lot of energy into our lives. Not meaning that I have a lot more energy,,, but that he is a big ball of energy so we have to try to match him to be able to keep up. A is the reason why I do everything that I do, whether it be getting a master's degree, eating healthy, being physically active, forming better habits, trying to get rid of bad habits, becoming a better person, etc. I love that little crazy man more than I could ever express. Some of my favorite moments are when it is his bedtime and he wants me to read my psychology books aloud to him until he falls asleep. Those peaceful moments of watching him sleep fill me with so much love.


I am determined to spend this life becoming the absolute best version of myself and feeling like I truly lived. Every moment of my life is spent doing something that is intended to better myself in some way. For example, I attend school so I can get a better career, I work on good habits so I can be healthy in every way, I write a blog so I can do something therapeutic for myself, I paint and take on creative projects so I can develop my artistic skills and sometimes make other people happy. Rarely will you ever find me sitting on the couch and binge watching television. Everything I do has a purpose. Not to say I don't procrastinate at times, but I do make an effort to get things done and feel accomplished.


While the ways I express my creativity have not always been consistent, my need to express myself creatively has been consistent. I have used my creative side to do many things like drawing, watercolor painting, crafting, henna body art, event planning, and (most recently) rock painting. I love expressing myself through art. Sometimes I have used it to express the pain I feel inside and other times I use it to express the joy and wonder that I feel. Art is a way that I energize myself. It helps me feel accomplished and gives me a way to explore what I am capable of creating.

What words would you use to describe yourself?

  • Persistent

  • Adaptable

  • Devoted

  • Dedicated

You can vote for more than one answer.

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A little about me... I am in my mid-twenties and work full-time at a challenging yet rewarding job, I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and am working on my master's degree in clinical mental health counseling, I've been married to my husband for about six years, and I'm a mother to a toddler.

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