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What Helps Me To Be Creative

Though I don't spend as much time doing artsy and crafty things as I used to, I still occasionally find myself taking on a project that requires some creativity. I love when opportunities arise where I can use my creative side because it gives me a challenge. Nothing is more frustrating, though, than when your mind goes blank and you can't figure out what to do with the project. Below are some things that help me to be creative.


Just as with anything, practice will help develop your skills. For example, I used to draw a lot. To get better at drawing and come up with more creative ideas for my drawings, I had to practice a lot. While creative ideas are not necessarily going to be the same every time, training your brain to find those creative ideas through practice will help those creative thoughts come more easily. Lately, I've been making wreathes for different holidays, so I am learning how to apply my creativity to wreath making.

Going for a Walk

One thing that really helps me think is walking. Sometimes it is the change of scenery that helps because I am seeing new things which triggers new thoughts in my head. Going for a walk outside gives me the fresh air I need to clear my head of all the thoughts that weren't getting anywhere. Possibly even more so, I find that just the action of walking helps me to think better. Often times when I am thinking through something, I notice I am pacing around the house. As long as I continue pacing, my thoughts keep flowing.

Keeping a Tidy Environment

I'm not going to act like my house is always perfectly cleaned up because it definitely isn't. The combination of living a pretty busy life and having a toddler guarantees that my house will not remain tidy. However, when I am going to start working on something, the first thing I do is clean up. I find that I get very overwhelmed and can't focus if I am trying to work in a messy environment. By keeping the area I am going to be working in clear of clutter helps me to keep those creative thoughts coming. An example of this would be when I am cooking or baking. In order to get creative with whatever I am making, I keep the kitchen cleaned up as I go. If I use an ingredient, I put it away as soon as I am done with it. If there is a period of time that requires me to wait, I unload and reload the dishwasher.

What helps you to be creative?

  • Practice

  • Going for a walk

  • Keeping a tidy environment

  • Other

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A little about me... I am in my mid-twenties and work full-time at a challenging yet rewarding job, I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and am working on my master's degree in clinical mental health counseling, I've been married to my husband for about six years, and I'm a mother to a toddler.

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