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What does my personality type reveal about me?

I find it helpful to use a personality test to understand myself and others better. Specifically, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is an assessment that is sometimes used by therapists working with clients. It is a much more credible personality test than some of the "just for fun" ones that go around the internet. The assessment categorizes people into sixteen different personality types. I took the assessment yesterday and it concluded that my personality type is ISFJ-T (introverted, observant, feeling, judging, turbulent) or the "defender" personality type. Below is more information on my personality type. I am also including the link in case you want to discover your own personality type.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Some strengths of my personality type is that I am supportive, reliable, observant, enthusiastic, hardworking, and have good practical skills. I really do enjoy helping others, whether they be in a crisis, are going through a big life change, or are struggling to get through something. When it comes to most any task I am given, I go above and beyond what is expected of me. While I may not be a social person, I can pick up on the subtlest of emotions that others seem to be oblivious to. Some weaknesses are that I am overly humble, take things personally, repress my feelings, am reluctant to change, and too altruistic. I don't express many of my thoughts because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings even in the slightest way. When someone does or says something even a little bit harmful, I feel the rejection really deeply. I try to hide my hurt and often disconnect myself from them to protect myself. Often, I try to push my feelings down and feel them less. I do this with both positive emotions and mostly negative emotions.

Romantic Relationships

I have always loved deeply and felt very loyal in my relationships. That's probably part of how I married my high school sweetheart. When I was a teenager, it was difficult for me to explain to my now husband, C, how much I loved him and really wanted things to last. I find myself being very committed to my husband, I want to spend my time with him and put my energy into doing things for us. Through all of our challenges, I have really tried to make things work and have never considered quitting the relationship as a serious option. When we have a bad argument, I feel the pain physically. He is my person so if he isn't on my team then I feel very lonely. When I feel that I am not be respected, all my repressed emotions boil up and explode into a loud expression of everything I have been trying not to feel in my attempt of keeping the peace. Overall, I want C to be happy and I do my best to make him happy and cared for.


It is interesting to me because people do tend to be drawn to me in a friend-like way when they get to know me better, however, I keep myself disconnected so that a friendship does not form. I do this to protect myself because I have learned that friends aren't always there for you. While I act like I have no interest in having friends, I really do have a desire for others to like and accept me. It is very conflicting, because I would like to have friends, but I also intentionally prevent friendships from forming. I think part of the reason for my disinterest in making friends is that sometimes I open myself up for friendship and fall into my people-pleasing role which allows for all take and no give-type friendships. It burns me out and then I let myself fade out. When I have been in friendships, I am dedicated and there for them through everything. It's hard for me when the same isn't shown when I need it. I also don't ask for what I need out of a friendship, so they may not recognize that I need it. I've always had a vision of what my friendships "should" be. Supporting each other, helping each other out when needed, spending time together occasionally without pressure to meet at a scheduled time each week. Stuff like that. Then I turn on my people-pleasing behaviors and try to demonstrate what I hope for out of the friendship and it turns into an "all about them" friendship where everything revolves around them.


I see parenthood as a life calling and am devoted to parenting my son, A. My feelings of love for A run deep and motivate me to be the best parent I can be. I do not put myself in a position of being A's "friend," but rather I make sure to stay in my role as a parent by providing care, love, authority, and teaching him what is right and wrong. Sometimes it is difficult for me when A pushes back against what I am trying to guide him to do, however, I do make an effort to allow him to be his own person and sometimes I have to be flexible.

Career Paths

When it comes to my career path, I am committed, diligent, and patient. I enjoy helping others so it makes sense that I am going to school to become a mental health counselor, which is a career that contributes to the growth and healing of others. Listening to others and calming their frustrations is something that comes somewhat naturally to me, along with attention to detail. I do not make an effort to ask for raises or recognition, but rather let my work speak for itself. I am loyal to my employer, which explains why I have stubbornly insisted on doing my internship there, not somewhere else.

Workplace Habits

I am humbly dedicated to my work, which means I don't do my work for the recognition but more so for the purpose of having my employer's back. This can be a weakness because if I do not make my extra efforts known, they will not be considered in my performance evaluations which determine whether I get a raise. My bosses have always been really happy with the work I do. Another weakness is that I avoid conflict which means that I do not usually disagree with my bosses or coworkers when something could be done better. I enjoy working with my coworkers as a team trying to reach the same goal rather than competing against them. With my people-pleasing tendencies and dedication, sometimes I do much more than is expected from me to help out my coworkers, which can backfire because then it becomes expected, leaving me with all my work to do and much of theirs.

Which personality type are you?

  • INTJ-A/INTJ-T (Architect)

  • INTP-A/INTP-T (Logician)

  • ENTJ-A/ENTJ-T (Commander)

  • ENTP-A/ENTP-T (Debater)

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A little about me... I am in my mid-twenties and work full-time at a challenging yet rewarding job, I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and am working on my master's degree in clinical mental health counseling, I've been married to my husband for about six years, and I'm a mother to a toddler.

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