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Unveiling the Hidden: Little-Known Facts About Myself

Learning lesser know facts about someone can help us understand more about them. Sharing lesser known facts about ourselves can help us recognize differences that make us unique individuals. One thing that I like but many might disagree would be when you are at a work training, the first day of school, or some other gathering where everyone is supposed to introduce themselves by saying their name and something fun they are doing that season, a favorite food, or favorite hobby, or some other "get to know you" question. Even though I may know some of the people at these gatherings pretty well, I am often surprised by their answers and gain new knowledge about them. Below are some little-known facts about me.

Chili is my Favorite Food

I love chili because it can be made in a variety of ways so it is different, you can add cheese or sour cream, it can be poured over rice, or can be eaten with tortilla chips. It can be mixed up in all kinds of ways and is delicious. It also is pretty healthy. Add some peppers for some spice and some corn for some sweet and it's perfect! Chili really never gets old for me.

Planning Events is my Favorite Hobby

Planning events is so fun for me. I love going through Pinterest and finding all the cute ideas and putting it together. Sometimes if I have a lot of other things going on with school or work, it can be a bit much, so I prefer to have events spread out. If I had a large budget, I think I could come up with something really cool. When I start making some more money, I am really looking forward to doing events that are better planned.

I'm a Taylor Swift fan and Know Many of the Lyrics all too Well

Ever since junior high, I have loved Taylor Swift. I like her old stuff and her new stuff. Her songs are very catchy and I've related to many of them as I've aged. I loved listening to all her love and heartbreak songs throughout high school as I went through my own relationship experiences as a teenager. I know many of her songs really well and can even sing along to them all the way through.

I Have a Smurf Collection

I really enjoy older cartoons like the Smurf show. It takes me back to a time from before I was born when things were much simpler. I like to imagine my parents at a young age enjoying their morning cartoons and what they must have been doing. At one point, I started collecting the Smurfs figurines. My collection is small but it was fun to collect some different ones.

I am an Absolutely Horrible Texter

While I spent much of my teenage years texting constantly, I now am not a fan or very good at it. Sometimes I forget to text back when I thought I already did, sometimes I don't really know what to say, and I'm not sure when to use emojis or which ones to use. My texting skills have definitely died.

The Idea for my Name Came From a Mermaid

It wasn't until I was an adult, maybe even after I had my son, A, that I learned that the idea for my name came from a movie I had never seen about a mermaid. I had always assumed that my name was found in a baby name book like my brother's had. Now I understand why there are so many people near my age that have the same name. Everyone was inspired by a movie about a mermaid.

The First Concert I Ever Went to was Blink-182

I had never gone to an actual concert until about two months ago. My husband, C, loves Blink-182 and had mentioned a few times before that he would love to go to one of their concerts. When the band got back together, we had to go. It was a great choice and was well worth it! It was a very fun experience and I am glad we went.

I Would go to Disneyland if I Could Travel Anywhere Right Now

I went to Disneyland once when I was probably eight years old and haven't been since. As a kid, Disneyland really is a magical experience and I really want to take my son to experience the same thing. There is so much to do and see there, I can't wait to take A to explore.

Macaroni and Cheese is my Favorite Food to Make

Macaroni and cheese is really fun for me to make. The seasonings can be switched up to make it slightly different flavors. I like to add a variety of seeds to the one I make to add some nutrients. It is also quite simple to fix it if it seems a bit off. If it is too thick, add more milk. Too runny, add more cheese. Broccoli can be added to incorporate some veggies.

I Carried a Rock Everywhere With me When I was a Child

When I was really young, I loved the movie Dinosaurs. I also loved digging in my backyard in search of dinosaur bones. At some point, I found a rock that was longish, somewhat ovalish-shaped, curved towards one side, and flat on the bottom. Looking back, it really didn't look anything like a dinosaur egg, but to me, it was a dinosaur egg. I carried that thing around with me everywhere, and even slept on it to keep it warm. Sometimes I would show people and was so proud. This went on for probably at least a year while I was waiting for it to hatch so I could have my very own baby dinosaur. Eventually, one day, I was on the cement in front of my porch and dropped the rock. It broke in half. I was so disappointed to find that the rock was just sandstone and not at all a dinosaur egg. I gave half of the egg to my neighborhood friend and kept the other half for myself. I probably put it out in the yard at some point because I don't remember where it went after that. I can very vividly remember the shape, color, and texture of the rock.

Which things do we have in common?

  • Chili is your favorite food to eat

  • Planning events is your favorite hobby

  • You're a Taylor Swift fan and know many of the lyrics

  • You have a Smurf collection

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A little about me... I am in my mid-twenties and work full-time at a challenging yet rewarding job, I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and am working on my master's degree in clinical mental health counseling, I've been married to my husband for about six years, and I'm a mother to a toddler.

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