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Top 3 Must-Watch Movies

I do not watch much television, so on the rare occasion that I choose to sit down and watch something, I like to make sure that I pick something good to watch. I enjoy watching movies that use humor or are based on true stories. The reason being that life is filled with enough stress so I want to watch something that helps me relax and be happy or teaches me about something I didn't know before. Below are some movies to watch

The Greatest Night in Pop

I have known this song for a while and listened to it often as a teenager, but did not know much about the story behind it. Just by listening to it, I had noticed that there were a few familiar voices of popular artists. By the name of the collective artist, "U.S.A. for Africa," I had figured out that the song had something to do with Africa, but never knew exactly what. I really enjoyed watching how all these music artists came together and were able to get along to create something that made such a big difference for those who needed it. I can't picture it happening with today's artists and how much drama there seems to be between them and big egos.

The Hill

I had never heard of this baseball player and I am not sure if he is well-known, but I liked watching how this young boy was determined to be a baseball player, regardless of his physical limitations. It was a very inspirational movie that made me think about how there really is nothing that can stop someone from reaching their goals except for themselves. It also made me think about how people grow up to become who they were meant to be, and if parents try to push their children in a different direction or stand in their way, it doesn't change who they are, just causes hurt and rejection.


I'm not a huge Elvis fan but I enjoy listening to his music sometimes. I was interested to learn more about him and his story. When it first started, I really wasn't sure where the movie was going as it was narrated by Tom Hanks, who played the manager. My husband was not sure he could make it through the movie based on the intro but decided he like it after all. It was a long movie and I do not know that I would watch it a second time, but I did enjoy watching it and came to see Elvis in a new way as it seemed his fame unintentionally caused so much distress within his family, including himself.

What movies have you watched?

  • The Greatest Night in Pop

  • The Hill

  • Elvis

  • Other

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I like movies about famous people because it helps us realize how human they are

I’ve been reading a lot of books about women married to famous men. It’s amazing how strong they are in their own right and the times only recognized the men.

I highly recommend Melanie Benjamin

Mar 18
Replying to

I haven't heard of that one, but I'll check it out! I agree. There were bits about Elvis's wife in the movie and I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for her.


A little about me... I am in my mid-twenties and work full-time at a challenging yet rewarding job, I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and am working on my master's degree in clinical mental health counseling, I've been married to my husband for about six years, and I'm a mother to a toddler.

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