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Top 3 Cozy Spots for Enjoying a Good Book

Reading is what I do for my "me" time. It is also a form of bonding at times when I read to me son, A. My level of self-care that I get out of reading can increase if I am in a good spot. Different spots can also add to the bonding experience between my son and I. Depending on my mood, what seems like a good spot to read a book may change. Really, many spots can be considered "cozy" when you have a good book. For me, books on their own often bring comfort. Below are some of my favorite places to read a good book.

A Park Bench

Today A and I packed a bag with some books and rode our bikes along the trail until we got to a park bench. We parked our bikes and sat down next to each other and read a few of his books. He thought it was fun because we got to go on a little bike ride together in addition to reading books. Even just choosing which books to bring and packing them into the bag was exciting for him. I like that getting to the park bench creates a whole experience and then we get to sit in nature while we read each book. Plus, we picked a low traffic time, so it was really just us for most of the time. It was a great experience for just the two of us.


The library is a fun place to read because there are other people there who share the same interest. For me that gives a sense of comfort because even though I am not a social person, sometimes I like to be around other people without having to interact with them. Being that there is a similar interest creates a sense of belonging. There are little reading nooks available in the children's area at the library near me. A sees other parents read to their children in the nooks and thinks it looks fun so he picks some books and we read in the little nook. Often other little kids join us in the nook to listen to the story.

My Bed

Nothing is cozier than picking up a good book and climbing into the sheets of my bed. It becomes even better when the bedding is freshly washed and the bed is newly made. Sometimes if A is interested, I will read him some of his books. Most of the time I read my own book in bed because A would rather play or listen to me read my book until he falls asleep. Reading in my bed is usually what I do at the end of the day and I am trying to get A to wind down and spend some time doing something for myself. It's a good time to read too because I read a lot of psychology-related books and just before bed is a good time to learn information that you want to retain.

What are your favorite places to read a good book?

  • A park bench

  • Library

  • Your bed

  • Other

You can vote for more than one answer.

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A little about me... I am in my mid-twenties and work full-time at a challenging yet rewarding job, I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and am working on my master's degree in clinical mental health counseling, I've been married to my husband for about six years, and I'm a mother to a toddler.

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