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The Ultimate Guide to Waking Up Refreshed: How to Start Feeling Well-Rested Without Snoozing

Waking up refreshed sets my day off right. When I feel well-rested I'm in a better mood, more productive with my homework and household chores, getting a good workout in, and spend better quality time with my son, A. It's even better when I don't have to hit snooze on my alarm to get to that level of being well-rested. Plus, if I'm hitting snooze on my alarm then I'm getting a late start on my day which puts everything behind. Below are ways that help me feel more well-rested.

Set a Sleep Schedule

When I go to bed and wake up around the same time each day, I feel much better when it's time to wake up. I tend to try to go to sleep around 10pm and wake up around 6am each day. Because my sleep and wake time is more predictable, I feel much better when I wake up. Whereas, when there are times when I get to bed a bit later or have to wake up earlier, I feel more foggy for the rest of the day and it throws off my sleep schedule for at least a couple of days.

Do Morning Exercise

I feel more energized when I start my day with some good exercise. It also helps me sleep better when it comes night time because I was able to get some energy out. I find that I end up falling asleep easier and get better quality sleep when I have been active towards the beginning of my day. If I exercise too close to night, sometimes I still have some adrenaline going and it is harder for me to get to sleep. If I've had great sleep the night before, I'm ready to get going again with another morning workout to start my day.

Avoid Screen Time for an Hour Before Bed

When I spend time on a screen before I go to bed, I find it much harder to get to sleep because my mind is busier. I try to read a book before bed which feels much more productive to me and helps me get sleepier quicker. Most of the time I read books to educate myself like ones about therapy, psychology, or the brain. Occasionally I read a novel which may take me a little longer to get tired because I am following a story, but I still find it much more effective that screen time.

What do you do to feel well-rested?

  • Set a sleep schedule

  • Do morning exercise

  • Avoid screen time for an hour before bed

  • Other

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A little about me... I am in my mid-twenties and work full-time at a challenging yet rewarding job, I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and am working on my master's degree in clinical mental health counseling, I've been married to my husband for about six years, and I'm a mother to a toddler.

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