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Swap These Unhealthy Foods with These Healthy Alternatives and Still Enjoy Eating

It can be really tempting to eat junky food, especially when I am trying so hard to eat healthy. However, there are plenty of alternatives to what I may be craving that are not only not unhealthy, but are actually nutritional. Alternatives may not sound so appetizing at first, but when I eat them, they satisfy my craving just the same and I am left feeling happy with myself compared to the shame I feel when I give in to the temptation to eat junk. Below are some healthy replacements I use for unhealthy foods.

Yogurt Fruit pops Instead of ice Cream

Yogurt fruit pops are delicious and can vary in flavor depending on whatever kind of fruit and yogurt is used. They even make dessert flavored yogurts, so that can make it more treat-like, depending on what kind of flavors you are craving. Fruit pops are really easy to make too. You just put Greek yogurt in the blender and you can add in different extracts, honey, and different fruits to get the flavor you want. After it is blended, I just pour it into a couple of ice cube trays and leave in the freezer for a few hours. My three-year-old son, "A," really liked these because he could have "ice cream" for breakfast.

Fresh Juice Instead of Artificially Sweetened Beverages

Sometimes it is just nice to drink something with some flavor. Beverages like soda can be really unhealthy for many reasons, especially if they are consumed often. Juice can offer nutritional benefits and contains no caffeine. There are a variety of flavors available, depending on what kind you decide to drink. Different juices can even be mixed together to make different flavors. Being that we have grape vines in our backyard, we often have grape juice at our house.

Banana Bread Instead of Cake

Banana bread is so yummy! It has always been the perfect substitute for any pastry/dessert item I've craved. Depending on what ingredients are used, it can lean more towards unhealthy or it can be fairly healthy. I usually use oat flour, coconut oil, nuts, and seeds. At this point, the only unhealthy ingredient is the sugar. A bonus is that it makes the whole house smell yummy! And, it's the perfect way to use up bananas that are starting to brown.

What healthy replacements do you use for unhealthy foods?

  • Yogurt fruit pops instead of ice cream

  • Fresh juice instead of artificially flavored beverages

  • Banana bread instead of cake

  • Other

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A little about me... I am in my mid-twenties and work full-time at a challenging yet rewarding job, I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and am working on my master's degree in clinical mental health counseling, I've been married to my husband for about six years, and I'm a mother to a toddler.

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