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My Ultimate Bucket List: 10 Ideas for Adventure, Travel, and Personal Growth

Something I have realized is I want to experience life. I realized I did not want to get to the end of my life only to discover that I had done nothing but try to progress in my career, pay bills, and mark off tasks on my to-do list. Instead, I want to look back and think of all the fun things I did, the accomplishments that I never thought I would complete, and all the memories I made. I want to set that example for my son, A, too. I'm not saying I want to forget all responsibilities and only have fun. Rather, I know I get too caught up in what needs to be done and forget that it is also important to do things "just because" so I am looking for a balance. Below are the items on my bucket list.

Airboat Across an Alligator Infested Swamp

If you know me personally, you likely know that I am scared of everything. I'm scared of wild animals and anything adventurous. I would like to push myself out of my comfort zone by going in an airboat across a swamp with alligators in it. Reptiles freak me out and I have especially seen enough news stories about alligators to scare me. My mind often goes through all the possible scenarios. Like... what if an alligator gets on the boat? What if I fall out? What if the boat flips over? What if the boat sinks? Really, the list is infinite and, honestly, likely not to happen. But, my brain convinces me otherwise. I'm looking for some adrenaline with this one by forcing myself to do something scary.

Try the Street Food in Mexico

Like most, I love food. Good food, anyway. I expect that there may not be very many vegetarian options in Mexico, but I am sure there is something. Mexican food is one of my favorite things to eat and it doesn't get any better than authentic. I am determined to try every (vegetarian) street food option I come across. I've never been to Mexico and I would like to see what some of the touristy areas are like, and try some delicious food while I am at it.

Stay at the St. Regis New York Hotel

Nothing feels nicer than checking into a nice hotel. Though, I would say this one isn't just nice, it's very fancy and elegant. It reminds me of some of the castles in England as the ceilings are painted. The rooms are beautiful and they even come with butler service. What does a butler even do?! This one is going to have to take some time to save money. It looks like the cheapest someone may be able to pay for the simplest room is around $1000 per night. However, I saw that the rates for one of the nicest rooms is as high as $15,000 per night! Realistically, I will probably only stay in the cheapest of rooms for one night, though it would be cool to stay for about a week. Either way, I am very much looking forward to seeing this place in person.

Go on the Most Romantic Date Ever

My idea of the most romantic date ever would be to get a couples massage. We would start our day off with eating some simple breakfast and then head off to get some relaxation. It feels really nice to start off the day relaxed and know there is still more to look forward to. Afterwards, we would spend the day playing board and card games together. I love it because it is fun and keeps us in the moment. No looking at screens involved. When we play games, I am not worrying about spending money or what I need to get done. It's just the two of us and it is pure enjoyment. Later, we would eat dinner at Log Haven, which (according to their website) is rated to be one of the top ten romantic restaurants in the United States. The restaurant is literally a log cabin up the canyon. There are a lot of pine trees, at least one waterfall, and a pond. The area is just naturally beautiful and the restaurant itself is Michelin-starred.

Go on an African Wildlife Safari

Another thing that scares me. Again, so many things that could go wrong and end with me being eaten my some scary animal. While the idea does scare me, it also fills me with excitement that I would be able to see all the animals I grew up learning about in their natural habitat. Zoos can't possibly compare to the real deal.

Float in the Dead Sea

I have always heard of the many health benefits that come with floating in the Dead Sea. I have eczema and am curious how the minerals may affect my skin. Besides, it is just an experience that would be so cool and relaxing. I love visiting beaches! And this beach seems like a spa and a beach combined. Both great things!


Being that I do not want to work for the rest of my life, I am looking forward to retiring someday. I know some people are not fortunate enough to be able to have that option. Others simply enjoy working and would prefer not to retire. For me, I would like to save enough money that I can eventually retire and adapt to a life without a work schedule. Being that I like to keep busy and stay productive, I am sure I will find some form of hobby that generates money, but the nice thing would be that I would not be obligated to any kind of schedule. Rather, I would be able to make my own decisions about what I want to do each week and how long I choose to vacation. I want to be free of the pressure to go above and beyond to prove I am worthy of a raise. I want to be able to live in the moment and use my time doing whatever it is that I feel like doing.

Travel to Japan

I have never been anywhere other than North America or Europe. I think it would be really fun to explore a culture that is very different from my own. In Japan, the language is very different, along with the architecture, the foods, the artwork, and the culture. Exploring new places is fun, especially when it is different in every way. I remember when I went to England, even the toilets were different. Simple things that every culture has some version of, yet there are differences.

Go to Harry Potter World

I have never been to Harry Potter World but I grew up watching the movies and I read at least one of the books. I've been to Disneyland and I've been to Disneyworld so that is all I really know of big theme parks. It would be interesting to see what another brand's take on a big theme park would be. Having watched the movies and hearing the stories of the interactive wands, I can only imagine how magical and detailed Harry Potter World is. I am going to have to show my son, A, the Harry Potter movies as he gets older so that he is just as excited as me.

Hike the Appalachian Trail

I grew up hiking and have always loved it. It's nice to get out in nature, breathe fresh air, listen to birds, and get some physical exercise in. At some point, I would love to hike the Appalachian Trail. From what I have read, it is not all completely off in the wilderness as it apparently goes through small towns and there are many shelters to stay in along the way. I have never really been on a backpacking trip but would love to try it out. This may be something I have to do later on when I am retired as I am not sure how I would be able to take off so much time from work. I saw that it takes five to seven months to complete this hike and it is just under 2,000 miles long! I am definitely up for this type of adventure and hope to be able to accomplish it at some point in my lifetime.

What is on your bucket list?

  • Airboat across an alligator infested swamp

  • Try the street food in Mexico

  • Stay at the St Regis New York Hotel

  • Go on the most romantic date ever

You can vote for more than one answer.

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A little about me... I am in my mid-twenties and work full-time at a challenging yet rewarding job, I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and am working on my master's degree in clinical mental health counseling, I've been married to my husband for about six years, and I'm a mother to a toddler.

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