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My Hobbies

Sometimes people ask me "what do you do for fun?" And for a while after I had my son, A, I would just be like "uh... I work and I am a mom." And then people would just give me a funny look because apparently that was not the right answer and then they would say again "yeah, but what do you do for fun?" Well, guys! I finally figured it out! Now that A is a bit more independent and I have figured out a better way to balance my life, I now have some hobbies. I have learned that it is good to have hobbies because it gives me time to do something I enjoy and helps me have a better understanding of who I am. Below are some of my hobbies.


I grew up hiking quite a bit but gradually, my family stopped hiking at all. I continued to hike every so often but not even every year. This year, I wanted to take my family on a hike because I knew how much fun I had hiking when I was younger. A loves being outside and is a very active little boy so I figured he would really enjoy it. Turns out I was very right! Me and my husband, C, took A on a four-mile roundtrip hike to a waterfall and he ran most of the way there and back without being carried at all. He was so happy and it made me happy to see him so happy. It felt really nice to be outdoors, breathing in fresh air, seeing and hearing nature, and doing something active. I enjoyed it so much that I did several more hikes. A doesn't run as enthusiastically the whole time anymore, but he still has tons of fun. It has been nice to get back into an old hobby and share it with my son. I'm looking forward to trying out some more hikes while the weather is still warm.

Disc Golfing

Disc golfing is something that I have done a few times since I married C six years ago, but never really got into. This spring, C wanted to go disc golfing, so A and I tagged along with him. Turns out it is really fun! We started going all the time and A really enjoys it because he gets to be outdoors and throw a disc. I have found that I really like it because it is something we all can do together, it gets me outdoors, and it gets me doing some physical exercise. While it has been pretty hot outside and with school and summer activities keeping me busy, I haven't gone disc golfing very recently, but definitely plan on finding time to do some more, especially when the weather starts cooling down. I look forward to trying out some new disc golf courses soon.


My mom always told me that I should write a blog because I always did really well in English classes and enjoy writing. I always thought "really? And write about what? Who is going to want to read that?" Well... while there are still only two people who read my blog (one of them being my mother-in-law), I have found that I really do enjoy writing a blog! I don't do it to attract attention or in hopes of being an internet celebrity (obviously, since it's anonymous, right?). I do it because I simply enjoy writing and it gives me time to do something that focuses on myself and who I am. While journaling is something I have always struggled to be consistent with, I find that I do make an effort into getting my blog posts done. Sometimes homework or other activities take up the time that I would usually spend writing my blog posts, but I always make sure to get it done when I do have the time. I would say that blogging is even somewhat therapeutic (and my therapist agrees that it is good for me). And thank you to my two subscribers! Though I don't do this for the fame, it does feel good to see that there are people who are interested in what I have to write.

What are your hobbies?

  • Hiking

  • Disc Golfing

  • Blogging

  • Other

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A little about me... I am in my mid-twenties and work full-time at a challenging yet rewarding job, I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and am working on my master's degree in clinical mental health counseling, I've been married to my husband for about six years, and I'm a mother to a toddler.

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