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Lessons I Learned From Watching "Over the Hedge"

I don't watch television much at all. Almost never actually. But, this morning it was just me and my son, "A," awake so I thought it might be fun to get out of our usual routine and watch a movie from my childhood together. Over the Hedge seemed like a good one because I hadn't seen it since I was a kid and A really likes learning about animals. Once it started playing, I realized I had forgotten much of the movie, so it was fun to remember bits as they came on the screen. Watching the movie as an adult, I was able to take things away from the movie. Below are a few lessons I learned from watching Over the Hedge.

Don't be Greedy

The whole mess with the racoon started out when he decided to take more than he actually needed. Not only did he take all of the stuff piled in the wagon, but he also wanted that can of chips that the bear was holding while he was sleeping. The humans were greedy by taking out the majority of the woods to build their neighborhood and then did not want the animals from the little bit of woods that remained to enter their neighborhood. The raccoon also explained to the other animals that enough was never enough for the humans. They liked food and always wanted more.

When I apply this to my own life I see that my family does not have much money and we can't afford anything more than the minimum of groceries. Sure, it was nice when we had more money and were able to afford the things we wanted, but when it comes down to it I'm just glad we can afford to pay our bills and buy the food we need. It has been a very humbling experience and we've been able to learn to make the most of what we have. And for that, I am grateful.

Look out for Family

This can be seen several times throughout the movie. The turtle is concerned and looking out for his family by making sure they have food to eat, that they are safe, and that they are happy. At one point, all the animals show the raccoon a little area that they had made for him because he had been sleeping in a tree, Then, near the end of the movie the raccoon risked his safety to save the lives of the other animals that had become his family.

To me, family is most important. I have been blessed to have a great family that always looks out for me when I need it. With my immediate family, I try to make sure that everyone's needs are met and do my best to help them thrive. I know I'm not perfect, but I hope that all of my family members know I care about them and would help them out if they ever needed it.

Forgive Others

Even though the raccoon had manipulated all the other animals into helping him get the items he needed to pay back the bear, they all forgave him in the end. It made me think about how none of us are perfect and we all deserve some forgiveness once in a while. We don't know what is going on in other people's lives or why they do the things they do. Sometimes they are experiencing a very stressful situation and that may be why they come off as rude, irritated, or desperate. The best thing we can do is give people a little bit of patience and be forgiving.

What lessons did you learn from watching "Over the Hedge?"

  • Don't be greedy

  • Look out for family

  • Forgive others

  • Other

You can vote for more than one answer.

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A little about me... I am in my mid-twenties and work full-time at a challenging yet rewarding job, I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and am working on my master's degree in clinical mental health counseling, I've been married to my husband for about six years, and I'm a mother to a toddler.

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