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Exploring the Unexplained: My Top Unsolved Mysteries

Life is much more interesting and even a little bit creepy when some things are left unknown. Occasionally I think about the unsolved mysteries in my own life that keep me wondering. It opens up all the possibilities. Was it extraterrestrial? Paranormal? One of those situations where everything just played out perfectly for a freak incident? A sign of something bigger? It's hard to say and I may never know the answers. I still get chills thinking about them sometimes. Below are some of my unsolved mysteries.

The man in the Basement

My mother tells me that when I was a toddler, I used to talk about "the man in the basement." Our basement was not finished. It was used for storage, food storage, and doing laundry. Other than that, there was nothing down there. I was too young to remember anything about this so I can't say what (or who) I must have been talking about. Having had a toddler, I can't imagine him making up stories like that. So it leaves me wondering, who was the man in the basement?

Nightmares About Being Chased

Since I was a teenager, maybe even longer, I have had consistent nightmares about being chased. While what I am being chased by may change, it usually is smaller. Sometimes it's a small dog, my cat, a small creature, or a doll. Occasionally it is something bigger, like an adult I know or a stranger. In these nightmares, it doesn't matter what I do, I can never escape, I can't shut or lock doors to slow it down, and no amount of kicking or punching stops it. I am constantly trying to get away and I never make any progress. I can't think of any specific event that may have triggered these nightmares or why I still have them, but I have had several of them. Usually several a year or sometimes several in a month. In my nightmares, I am left feeling very physically exhausted and when I wake up I feel emotionally exhausted as I have been fighting for my life during the time I was supposed to be resting.

My Missing Promise Ring

Before we were engaged, my now husband, C, gave me a promise ring for my birthday. It was silver and had real diamonds that made the shape of an infinity sign. It was very special to me and I wore it everyday. Eventually we got married and bought a house. I was sleeping in my bed during the day because I worked graveyards. My promise ring was sitting on top of the dresser with a few of my other things. We had recently gotten a kitten and I had woken up and saw she had managed to jump to the op of the dresser, which was new for her. She knocked a couple of items off of the dresser including my promise ring, which I thought was cute because it was a typical cat thing to do. I fell back asleep, thinking I would put the things back later when I woke up because I was very tired. Later, I picked up the items and could not find the promise ring. This was before I had a child, so the room was very clean with nothing else on the floor. I searched the entire floor, took apart the dresser, and didn't vacuum for a while in fear of vacuuming it up. I searched so many times, even months and years later. It has now been about five years and I have yet to find the ring. Our kitten was too small that if she would have somehow swallowed it, it would have been noticeable and she would have needed medical attention. The dresser, after pulling it apart a few other times, was eventually sold. We have moved our bedroom to another room, leaving the other room completely bare during the transition, and nothing. I feel sad when I think about the ring and C has offered to replace it but I tell him not to because it would not be the same. In fact, it would be a sad reminder looking at the new ring. But, things could be worse. Of all the things to lose, I'm glad I lost my ring and not my husband or cat.

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A little about me... I am in my mid-twenties and work full-time at a challenging yet rewarding job, I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and am working on my master's degree in clinical mental health counseling, I've been married to my husband for about six years, and I'm a mother to a toddler.

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