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Are You Brave Enough to Take on These Daring Dares?

Occasionally I get everything done that I had planned for my day and need something new to do to have some fun and pass the time. One way to do this is to dare yourself or others to do things. I did this with my four-year-old son, A, who thought it was hilarious. We had nothing else going on so I hyped the dares up to be a big deal. I tried them and then challenged A to do them. He was willing to do most of them and laughed the whole time. It ended up being a lot of fun. Below are some dares that I challenge you to try.

Eat a Teaspoon of hot Sauce

We had a bottle of siracha hot sauce in the refrigerator so I challenged A to drink a teaspoon of it. He was very sure he didn't want to so I told him I was going to do it. He watched as I poured it into a teaspoon measuring spoon and then drank it. It was a little spicy but I could handle it easily because I eat a lot of spicy food. If it had been a different kind of hot sauce then it may have been more challenging. I didn't even need to eat or drink anything afterwards. A kept watching to see if it became overwhelming.

Talk Without Closing Your Mouth

This was pretty tricky because I wasn't able to pronounce certain letters. A thought it was really funny and decided to try it himself. He talked like that for a while and A kept laughing so hard. He thought it was so fun that he tried to start it up again the next day. Definitely a fun one if you are looking to get into a silly mood with younger kids. I might have to try this one again some time in the future just because I love watching A laugh so much.

Make a Sandwich Blindfolded

This one was much trickier than I had expected. I thought I would cover my eyes and then be able to remember where everything is and be able to do it fairly smoothly. We used a large beanie as our blindfold and I had gotten everything set out on the table before starting. I had to check where each slice of bread was on my plate several times and when I used the peanut butter, I must have gone too far towards the top of the slice because there was a big glob on the side of the bread when I finished. There was also some peanut butter all over the handle from trying to scoop peanut butter out of the jar. The jelly wasn't spread very evenly and there was slightly more than I probably usually would've gotten. It was tricky but not too bad as a finished sandwich. A thought it looked fun so he wanted to try. As I was watching him, he somehow seemed to know exactly where everything was. I am very sure he was peeking the whole time.

Which dares will you try?

  • Eat a teaspoon of hot sauce

  • Talk without closing your mouth

  • Make a sandwich blindfolded

  • Other

You can vote for more than one answer.

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A little about me... I am in my mid-twenties and work full-time at a challenging yet rewarding job, I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and am working on my master's degree in clinical mental health counseling, I've been married to my husband for about six years, and I'm a mother to a toddler.

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