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3 Simple Ways to Prioritize Self-Care in Your Busy Life

Self-Care is very important because we are important. And if we are caring for others in anyway, it is even more important. I'm not talking about bubble baths and getting your nails done, though that can be self-care. I'm talking about taking care of your basic needs. Since having my son, A, I have made it a priority to take care of myself because I wanted to set a healthy example for him. I also learned that if I am going to be a good mother to him, I need to take care of myself or I won't have much to offer him. For example, if I am depriving myself of sleep or proper nutrition, then I will likely be more grumpy and have less energy to do anything with him. By making sure I am taking care of myself, I can be better for others. Below are some ways that I practice self-care.

Get Enough Sleep

I try to make sure that I get a minimum of seven hours of sleep each night. By getting enough sleep, I am more energized and am in a better mood. I also try to make sure that my sleep is good quality and that I am getting to bed and waking up at a good time. This helps me to be rested enough to think clearly and have plenty of energy to do my homework, go to work, take care of my son, and get through my day. If I am a little short on sleep, I may try to take a very short nap during the day to help me make it through. I noticed I get done with tasks like homework and housework much faster when I am well-rested, so it saves me time if I sleep than to not get enough.

Drink a Glass of Water

I often find myself thirsty throughout the day and notice myself dismissing it because I am busy and tell myself I don't have time to go refill my water. Lately, I've been making an effort to stop whatever I am doing to take a big drink of water. We, and our brains, are made mostly of water so it is important to stay hydrated. Our brains even function better when we are hydrated. Drinking water really does not take much time and is a simple way to take care of yourself.

Breathe Deeply

Something that has helped me a lot when I am going about my busy day and start to become overwhelmed is taking a deep breath. It takes very little time to do and helps calm my body and my brain so I can focus on one task at a time without being consumed with anxiety. It is an easy form of self-care that really does not take much effort but also helps with so much. So many times in the past, I have started to feel anxious about things and it has grown and grown, but now I am able to recognize that I am beginning to feel anxious, so I take a deep breath and am able to take that moment to remind myself that things will turn out fine. It physically calms me and slows my heartrate down.

What ways do you practice self-care?

  • Getting enough sleep

  • Drinking a glass of water

  • Breathing deeply

  • Other

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A little about me... I am in my mid-twenties and work full-time at a challenging yet rewarding job, I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and am working on my master's degree in clinical mental health counseling, I've been married to my husband for about six years, and I'm a mother to a toddler.

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