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10 Scents That Lift My Mood: A List of My Favorite Smells

There is something about a good smell that just makes everything seem better. I can walk into a room or step out of my car and a good scent can improve my mood up by a notch. Some scents are refreshing and others can make a place smell more welcoming. For example, the smell of freshly baked goods can bring me feelings of being comfortable and at home, whereas other scents can give me a feeling of clean air coming into my lungs and being able to take on whatever it is that I am going to be doing with my day. Below is a list of my favorite scents.

Cookies Fresh out of the Oven

That smell of cookies that just came out of the oven is one of those scents that bring back memories of being in my childhood kitchen or grandmother's house. When I was younger, we would occasionally make cookies at my house or, when we visited my grandmother, we would often make cookies there. It makes me feel comfortable and relaxed. Making cookies usually meant helping measure and mix the ingredients, wearing an apron, and the anticipation of being able to eat them when they were finished baking, often looking in the oven window. Then, when they are finally done, the gooey, soft cookie with a glass of milk.

Freshly-Baked Bread

I did not grow up in a family that made bread all the time but there was a period of time when my mom made bread frequently. That smell of freshly-baked bread beats any bakery item that you can pick up at your local grocery store. Homemade bread is one of those things that tastes delicious all on its own. You don't even need to add anything to it, but some butter or jam can be just as delicious. Again, people are usually happy when eating freshly-baked bread, so that brings up some happy feelings. The warm, soft bread makes the loaves on sitting on the grocery shelves incomparable.

Freshly-Cut Grass

Freshly-cut grass is one of those scents that are refreshing. It's that smell of being outside in the summertime and sunshine. It makes me think of soft, green grass and laying down in the shade. That feeling of enjoying the moment without worrying about what I need to do next. I have a lot of good memories of laying in the grass, trying to take a nap, and listening to birds chirping.

Any Citrus Peel

The smell of citrus peels is one that just feels clean and refreshing. Often, I usually come across this scent when I have just peeled an orange for my son, A, and I to eat. It makes me think of clean kitchens and the sweet flavor of oranges. Other citrus peels give off an equally clean and refreshing scent. I like to put citrus peels in my sink disposal and turn it on so it puts that citrusy smell into my kitchen.


I love the smell of a bonfire. It brings me memories of camping or early college celebrations. Happy memories of talking with new friends or relaxing in a camp chair with the warmth of the fire. There's a feeling of freedom, being outside, and being able to look at the big sky and seeing so many stars that aren't usually visible within the cities.

The tops of Babies' Heads

Nothing beats that loving feeling of holding a tiny, new baby and smelling that new baby smell that comes from the top of their head. It makes me want to just sit in that moment and savor it because babies won't be so little and peaceful forever. Every baby's head gives that loving maternal feeling, but when it is your own, it is even stronger. I loved all those little moments when A was a tiny little baby and would fall asleep in my arms. Those moments when I would watch him sleep, take in his smell, and admire my best creation. No matter how sleep deprived I was, those moments were ones that I knew were precious.

Fresh Air

There's not really a specific smell that can be described, but just a noticeable difference of the feeling of the air being inhaled. It doesn't even really have to be perfect air, just stepping out of a building that I have been in for a while and breathing in the fresh air gives a feeling of being refreshed. This is one reason why I try to get A and myself outside each day, even if it is just for a couple minutes. I feel like breathing in fresh air can do so much for a person's mental health.

After it Rains

The air seems so much cleaner after it rains. I think it also brings out the scents of what is around, like the cement, soil, and trees. It makes me more aware of what surrounds me and I am able to appreciate it so much more. I especially love this smell when I am about to go on a hike in an area with a lot of big pine trees.


Mint is a great smell, especially when it comes directly from a mint plant. I like to rub the leaves between my fingers, leaving the scent on my skin. It is a natural scent and can be a strong one. It is like nature's perfume. I pick some leaves, rub it on my skin, and I can smell it throughout the day.

Peanut Butter

The smell of peanut butter brings me back to memories from my childhood. That creamy texture, dipping pretzels in it, or making it into some kind of treat. It's not quite a baked-goods type scent but not a refreshing one either. It's one of those scents that are yummy, yet don't necessarily make me crave it.

What is your favorite scent?

  • Cookies fresh out of the oven

  • Freshly-baked bread

  • Freshly-cut grass

  • Any citrus peel

You can vote for more than one answer.

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A little about me... I am in my mid-twenties and work full-time at a challenging yet rewarding job, I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and am working on my master's degree in clinical mental health counseling, I've been married to my husband for about six years, and I'm a mother to a toddler.

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