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10 Creative Ways to Surprise Your Husband

It is important to me that my husband, C, knows I love him. One way that I like to show him that I love him is by doing things to surprise him. Sometimes I show my love in other ways that become routine like doing the chores he doesn't like or making a meal. After a while these things can be so common they aren't noticed which becomes irritating to me. I know the same is true of the routine things that C does because he loves me. Sometimes it takes doing something different for him to notice and be reminded that he is loved. Doing something different also puts some more excitement into it from my end as I am thinking about him the whole time I am doing it and then look forward to seeing his reaction. Sometimes I let my son, A, help me with the surprise which is fun and exciting for him too. Below is a list of ways that I surprise my husband.

Leave him Love Letters Randomly

It's one thing to leave a love note on Valentine's day or an anniversary when an something like that may be expected. However, leaving a love letter on a random day without an occasion can be more surprising and meaningful. I've written C a few love letters over the years we have been together since we were teenagers but it is not an all the time thing. Usually, though, there is some form of occasion for the letter. One night recently, I decided to write him one "just because." I left it in the pantry before I went to bed because he stays up later than me and I knew he would go get himself a snack later on. I woke up the next morning and saw he had stuck it on the front of the refrigerator. I like writing letters because it makes me really think about my feelings and our past experiences and reminds me of why I love him so much.

Transform Your Home Into a Romantic Oasis

One day after C had just left for work, A and I cleaned up the house and pulled out the Christmas lights. We strung the lights all around the main floor and up the stairs. I switched out the wax warmers with a fresh new scent so the house would smell good when he got home. I'm usually asleep when he gets home because he gets home late but I made sure to set an alarm to wake up just before he would be getting home from work. When my alarm went off I went and waited on the couch downstairs until he walked in the door. The door opened and he paused, obviously not expecting the lights at all.. or for me to be awake because he walked in with some fast food after he said he wasn't going to buy any that night. We stayed up for a bit and talked while the lights glowed around us and then went to bed. It was a nice moment of just the two of us that felt a little more special with a change in the atmosphere.

Take Care of his Usual Chores Without Asking

In many relationships, each person complains about all the things they have to do that often goes without being noticed. C had been talking about how he needed to mow the lawn and I noticed he still hadn't gotten around to it. One morning while he was still sleeping before I went to work, I took A outside and mowed the lawn. I went inside the house and took out the recycling and the trash, replacing the trash can with a new bag. He sent me a text after I got to work to thank me.

Write a Note on the Window

One morning before going to work, I cleaned most of the windows in the house. A thought it was fun to help. C woke up and headed to the bathroom to take a bath like he usually does. While he was in there, I wrote a little "I love you" note on the window by his desk and closed the curtain for him to find later. It took him a few days because he rarely opens the curtains in there but he thanked me for it when he found it.

Send a Surprise Text

I've sent plenty of surprise texts before. Some are long and others are just little messages to let him know I'm thinking of him. C has sent me plenty of surprise texts over the years too and they always make me smile because it's a simple way that shows he loves me. I've been doing so many surprise things for him lately that while I was writing this post, I received a surprise text from C thanking me for the little surprises and telling me that he loves me. Surprise texts never get old.

Plan a Sweet Surprise Picnic

I admit that this one could have gone better but with some better planning and a different location, I think it would have been great. One day before C went to work, I made us all some sandwiches, packed some cheese and crackers, some Gatorades, and trail mix and went to the park for a picnic. Nothing big because we usually don't eat a lot at picnics. The first park we went to had some kind of busy event going on and the second one was pretty busy too. We ended up finding a spot on the grass and eating there. While it would have been nicer with some better food and a less busy location, it was still nice to spend some time together outdoors.

Create a Scavenger Hunt

One day before A and I left the house to go somewhere, I wrote up a bunch of clues and set up a scavenger hunt that led to a couple bags of candy and a gift card. After we had been gone for quite a while, I got a call from C that he had finally found the prize. Turns out he had gotten stuck on the first clue, took a break, and then found the next clue. I went home to find that he had misinterpreted the first clue and skipped the majority of the hunt, finding the last clue that took him to the prize. The first clue was supposed to take him to A's bookcase but he went to my book instead. Either way he thought it was fun to wake up to something unexpected and have a little gift waiting for him.

Go Along With his Movie Choice

I do this one occasionally when he wants to watch a movie together. Sometimes I am convinced that I will not like a movie that he's interested in and fight it, begging to watch literally anything else. Sometimes I go along with his movie choice and find that I was right and other times I end up surprised because I enjoyed it much more than I expected I would. Either way, I choose to go along with his movie choice sometimes even if I think I won't like it because I know it makes him happy and we're spending time together anyway.

Tidy up his Space

I used to do this more often but stopped after a while because I got sick of it. However, I decided to do it again recently. While C was still sleeping, I cleaned up all the dishes and trash off his desk, wiped it down, and organized the things that remained on his desk. I cleaned up the clutter around the rest of the room and wiped down the dust from the surfaces until it looked nice. After I had been at work for a little bit, he sent me a text thanking me for cleaning up his area. It felt good to clean up his space not only because it was driving me crazy, but also because I knew it would make him happy being that he spends a lot of time there.

Write an "I Love you Because" List

I've done this one before too but usually on those special occasions. This morning while C was sleeping, I wrote a list of some of the most important reasons why I love C. I left it on his keyboard where I knew he would see it. After he had woken up and taken his bath he came and teased me about it. Yeah, I know it's cheesy, but it was still nice to take some time to think of some of the reasons why I love C so much and I know he liked finding it too.

What ways do you surprise your husband?

  • Leave him love letters randomly

  • Transform your home into a romantic oasis

  • Take care of his usual chores without asking

  • Write a note on the window

You can vote for more than one answer.

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A little about me... I am in my mid-twenties and work full-time at a challenging yet rewarding job, I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and am working on my master's degree in clinical mental health counseling, I've been married to my husband for about six years, and I'm a mother to a toddler.

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